Tag Archives: UX

Reducing eye pain in a shopping mall

DML_Nuri eyeIn a large scale indoor space, people need breaks to reduce pains. In a shopping mall or at an exhibition, for example, people often take micro breaks on a bench to reduce the pains in the legs or feet. At a recent exhibition, I met a relatively new solution for the pains that have been little articulated: pains in the eye. When people look around many booths inside the indoor exhibition, they often suffer from dry eyes. Although wearing customized contact lens or dropping artificial tears reduce the pain, shoppers have had no instant solution for this so far. A company introduced electronic devices (blue plastic glasses) to reduce dry eye syndrome or xerophthalmia. Although it looks strange or scared, this device could be installed in shopping malls in the near future for those who want to reduce their pains in the eye.


Shopping experience at fashion store

Since fashion stores offer a wide range of clothing, they are often full of dust. I find many visitors leave stores because their eyes turn red. I recently found a fashion store with low dust level. Differently from other stores, it hung the whole clothing over the ground and maintained the floor clean. It was very comfortable for me to stay inside, I ended up buying a few jackets and, more importantly, I want to revisit this store. When the store is dust free, more visitors stay longer and they may spend more.


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