Stan’s Donut Shop in Santa Clara, California, has been making fresh, hand-made donuts since 1959. It is a favorite place for many people who love classic donuts.
During a recent early morning visit, the shop was crowded with customers. Many were talking to their family members over Airpods which donuts to buy.
The menu offers a wide variety of donuts at affordable prices: classic glazed donuts are priced at $1.75, old-fashioned donuts at $1.25, cinnamon rolls at $3.00, and coffee at $1.50, with refills for just 50 cents.
The shop’s nostalgic ambiance, coupled with the sight of donuts being freshly prepared, evokes a sense of nostalgia that resonates with many customers. This connection to the past, along with the affordability of the offerings, exemplifies why nostalgia marketing is effective at In-N-Out in Long Beach and Cafe Strada in UC Berkeley.
Most marketing and branding activities are essentially concerned with enchantment—the rendering of the ordinary into something special. To create enchantment, companies are increasingly marketing past-themed brands and products. Yet, there is little research about why and how such nostalgia marketing creates enchantment for consumers. Building on different modalities of nostalgia identified in sociological literature (reluctant nostalgia, progressive nostalgia, and playful nostalgia), we analyze the creation of enchantment through a longitudinal, qualitative, multi-method program of inquiry. We find three routes to enchantment grounded in different nostalgia modes: (1) re-instantiation (symbolic retrojection into a past), (2) re-enactment (reflexively informing the present with past-themed brands and practices), and (3) re-appropriation (ludic re-interpretation of the past). By unfolding the different ways in which marketers can press rewind to create enchantment, we discern important implications for theorizing and managing past-themed brands in terms of marketing strategy, targeting and positioning, brand experience design, and marketing communications.
Despite the popularity and high quality of machine-made products, handmade products have not disappeared, even in product categories in which machinal production is common. The authors present the first systematic set of studies exploring whether and how stated production mode (handmade vs. machine-made) affects product attractiveness. Four studies provide evidence for the existence of a positive handmade effect on product attractiveness. This effect is, to an important extent, driven by perceptions that handmade products symbolically “contain love.” The authors validate this love account by controlling for alternative value drivers of handmade production (effort, product quality, uniqueness, authenticity, and pride). The handmade effect is moderated by two factors that affect the value of love. Specifically, consumers indicate stronger purchase intentions for handmade than machine-made products when buying gifts for their loved ones but not for more distant gift recipients, and they pay more for handmade gifts when purchased to convey love than simply to acquire the best-performing product.