“Thinner, lighter, this is Oreo” This is the first sentence that appears in the Oreo Thins commercial in July 2016. It also says “slim and slender we want more and more,” suggesting that this new cookie targets at the people who used to hesitate to eat Oreo cookies for their high calories. Interestingly however, there is little difference between Oreo and Oreo Thins in terms of calorie: 245kcal and 220kcal.
We decide to modify the target of the commercial. Since there is no significant decrease in terms of calories, targeting only for ladies is inappropriate. We extend the target by including men. We also appeal the key advantage of Oreo Thins. Unlike the original Oreo, it does not need milk. Therefore, dunking or twisting is not needed. In sum, people can eat Oreo Thins elegantly.
Written by Léa Gagneux, Donghwi Kim, Hyoju Lee, Gunwoo Jung, Yunho Jung, and Yoosuk Jung | Marketing Communication 2016 Fall | College of Business Administration, Kookmin University