Tag Archives: DMS

Customer activities differ across industries

Digital Marketing Summit 2024

I was invited by Digital Marketing Summit 2024 to introduce and ask questions to Thales Teixeira. He is the founder of Decoupling.co and Professor at University of California San Diego.

Thales has reminded us of the importance of customer orientation. He introduced that customer activities will differ across industries. Then, he showed from his data that companies in different industries scored low in different customer activities. For instance, Hyundai scores low in the activity where customers compare cars, whereas Sephora scores low in the activity where customers are greeted. This suggests that every single company in different industries should fix different customer activities.

Digital Marketing Summit 2024
Digital Marketing Summit 2024

When it comes to customer experience, patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet

Digital Marketing Summit 2023

I was invited by Digital Marketing Summit 2023 to moderate a fireside chat between two customer experience professionals. They are Jonah Hong, Corporate Vice President and Head of Digital Customer Experience at the Hyundai Motor Group and Dan Gingiss, the author of the Experience Maker.

Digital Marketing Summit 2023

Jonah Hong highlighted bitter patience. He introduced the challenges that Hyundai Motor Group faces. “To address different customers with different tastes and preferences, we have to create tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of personalized content for a vehicle. To do this globally, organizations have to exchange data each other in the short term and we have to go beyond functional organizations in the long term. To do this work dynamically, automatically, and in real time, investments had to be made in technology.”

Digital Marketing Summit 2023

Dan Gingiss emphasized sweet fruit. In the conversation, he elaborated a wide variety of real life examples in which people spent more and they recommended a company more strongly when the company delivered superior experience to customers. His examples clarifies that having a positive customer experience values more than consuming a high-performing product.

Digital Marketing Summit 2023