Tag Archives: Budweiser

Commercial renewal project: Budweiser

When Budweiser released its 2015’s “freedom” TV commercial in US, only few twitter users liked it. Instead, majority criticized its unclear message of independence and overwhelming numbers of visual images.

We decide to change the Budweiser’s TV commercial by making it simple. First, we do not move its angle but maintain its static image. Second, we interpret freedom as “you can be whoever you want to be”; in our new and short TV commercial, the viewer drinks Budweiser and can become a famous singer like Michael Jackson. In order to emphasize the message of freedom, we also generate and add a new slogan that “Be a Budyweiser, Beer Budweiser.”

Produced by Donghoon Lee, Jeeyi Kim, Yujin Song | Marketing Communication | College of Business Administration, Kookmin University
